Black Country flag

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6 Responses to Black Country flag

  1. Awais Khalil says:

    I think the mouse Is looking at a car

  2. Roshni Nagra says:

    I think it represents the black country

  3. Awais Khalil says:

    I think the mouse is looking at cheese

  4. Aiyla Ashaq says:

    I think the flag represents chain making

  5. Oliver Thackwray says:

    the chain links is because the black country was famous for chain making

  6. Mr R. Mitchell says:

    Good answers.
    The full answer is:-

    The chain represents the chain making.
    The red represents the colour of the sky at night and the black represent the colour of the sky in the day – caused by the furnaces.
    The shape in the middle is the Glass Cone to represent glass production in the area.

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